Sashiko Calms Me, 2021

During the research for my fine art course, I was also practicing and revisiting other sewing techniques like embroidery.

I became enthralled with the Japanese embroidery art of sashiko, which is as a way of reusing and saving fabrics, and also mending and strengthening clothing and other items.

I found the practice of creating sashiko very calming due to the repetition of the stitches and the soothing visual effect of the finished product. I love how my eyes just follow the thread along and around the sculpture.

I was determined to use my samples in a sculpture, and this is my first attempt. I have many more ideas to try in the future.

Sashiko Calms Me, 2020: fabric, sashiko embroidery thread, aluminium, wood, nails, thread, plaster, glue. 35 x 20 x 20cm.

For sale: £200.00

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