Sally’s Magic Weaving, 2021

Sally is a friend of mine who weaves beautiful products, such as cushions and scarves. I was thrilled when she gifted me a bag of beautiful silk offcuts.

Sally’s artworks create stunning forms which are often grids using dark colours and she loves the randomness of how something like rust can change a surface or texture. Even though I wasn’t deliberately trying to replicate this, these themes came through in the creation of my sculpture

I also created a cushion as part of the sculpture in homage to Sally’s work. However, in doing this I was influenced by the Korean textile art of bojagi, often made with scraps of leftover fabrics.

Sally’s Magic Weaving, 2021: Woven silk, linen scraps, aluminium, wood, plaster, nails, thread, organza ribbon, paint, wadding. 40 x 25 x 25cm.

For sale: £150.00.

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