Lisa’s Africa, 2023

This abstract mask sculpture was a commission from Lisa, who was born and raised in Rhodesia.

Lisa loved growing up in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe). Despite leaving Africa when she was 12, Lisa has travelled extensively throughout the continent whenever she can - Africa has a big hold on her heart.

Lisa supplied me with the African wax cotton batik fabrics and a number of mementoes from her travels. She left the shape and style of the sculpture up to me, and said to use the fabrics and mementoes however I felt was right.

As Lisa has an amazing mask collection, I made her this abstract African mask to hang with her extensive collection. I included African Guinea Fowl feathers, and also recreated Lisa’s favourite African flower - the Flame Lily.

She loves it!!

With the leftover fabric I made Lisa two double sided cushions to match.

Lisa’s Africa, 2023: African batik wax cotton, organdie, acrylic paint, African Guinea Fowl feathers, earrings, mask, straw, seed pod, aluminium, wood, nails, plaster, thread. 60cm H x 45cm W x 20cm D.

Sold (commission).

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