Japanese Garden (Spring), 2023

This sculpture is Part 2 of my Japanese Garden series. This sculpture shows my progression from Japanese Garden (Autumn) which I made in 2022 in response to my grief after my mum’s death in 2021.

I am feeling like I can now see through the darkness into more light. I feel I am having a renewal and a re-budding of energy and creativeness, much like a garden coming out of winter into the increasing warmth and sunshine of spring.

For me, the making of these sculptures helped massively to process my grief and move forwards. While using these beautiful fabrics, which I inherited from my mother, I felt like we were having conversations about all sorts of topics, but which started with the feel and response of the fabric in my hands and how they reacted to my manipulation of them, and how they reacted when placed next to others.

Once again I have represented my mother with a kimono, but this kimono has more colour, more glow, more brightness. It is showing me the beauty of memories, not the void of the loss.

The beaded butterfly belonged to my mother and it felt right to attach it to this sculpture, as it is also a metaphor for new life and new beginnings. The shape of the sculpture was also important to me as the end of it finishes in the air - looking forwards, upwards and outwards.

Japanese Garden (Spring): Japanese printed cottons (inherited), beads, aluminium, wood, nails, plaster, thread.

52cm H x 37cm W x 25cm D.

For sale: £295

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