Do You See What I See?

Do You See What I See? was commissioned by Croydon Art Space for an exhibition themed The Mirror of Life. My parameters were that it must only use black and white fabrics (and possibly silver) and be 40cm high.

I set to work on my first commission for a sculpture not directed by emotions. As you can see, I created two mirrored ‘stems’, one of which starts with black fabrics and works towards white and the other vice versa. This sculpture contains important life moments: birth, death, marriage, togetherness, loneliness. While the stems are mirrored in shape, I felt that just because we walked and shared parts of our life with others, we may not always see the same outcomes or have the same memories, hence the title.

In this sculpture I used more of my free motion machine embroidery skills to create simple foliage, flowers and a subtle mirror. I also used donated stones from the black and white deserts in Egypt.

All the fabrics used are donated or inherited. I used recycled timber on the base and environmentally friendly glue.

As mentioned above, I have used free motion embroidery again to create abstract elements on this sculpture. This is a fascinating process whereby you use your sewing machine to create thread ‘drawings’ onto water soluble fabric and then you dissolve the fabric and are left with the threads. All the fabrics used are donated or inherited. I used recycled timber on the base and environmentally friendly glue

Do You See What I See? is made sustainably with donated and inherited fabrics, thread, stones, recycled wood, nails, plaster and environmentally friendly glue.

43cm H x 43cm W x 40cm D

For sale: £275

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