Carys’ Frozen Dress, 2022

I created this memory sculpture for my niece Carys, an avid Frozen and princess fan.

My extremely talented sister-in-law sent me fabric offcuts from a ‘Frozen’ princess dress she had made for Carys, and i wanted to recreate the movie and dress memories for Carys.

As I was making it, I envisaged beautiful Carys skipping around her garden, playing a princess, swirling her full skirt, with a shirred bodice and fluttering, sparkly sleeves. Her beloved dog Meeko is her faithful assistant.

As she is a princess, there is of course pretty bunting. Trees and other items are lined with gold. Crowns are compulsory!

Carys’ Frozen Dress 2022: Satins and mesh sparkle fabric, puff pom pom balls, aluminium, wood, nails, plaster, thread, organza ribbon, ribbon, filling, Liberty bunting, faux gold and silver crowns, glue. 40 x 16 x 16cm.


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