Alexander’s 7 y/o Self, 2021

My son loved all the sculptures I was making and asked if I could please make one for him.

I had kept some of my favourites of his t-shirts from around age 7, so I decided to incorporate them in some way. He created the Lego forms for me to fit on the base, and in the jeans pocket.

The high jeans pocket is a reminder that he would let his clothes drop wherever, and he went through a stage of wanting to bring all found sticks home for a collection.

This sculpture is a memory of him during his childhood, the fun and adventures we went on. The buying or gifting of the t-shirts. To me, it is reminiscent of a photograph.

Through these fabrics, colours, shapes and Lego, I remember him and his antics, and laugh at the wonderful age of being 7 years old.

Alexander’s 7 y/o Self, 2021: T-shirts, denim jeans, aluminium, wood, nails, plaster, thread, Lego pieces, stick, plastic cord, wadding, glue. 81 x 20 x 30cm.

Not for sale.

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